As you prepare for the arrival of your second bundle of joy, you may find yourself wondering what you need to add to your baby registry this time around. Don’t worry I’ve got you covered! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a first-time registry maker, creating a second baby registry can be a fun and exciting task. In this guide you will find:
- Why you should make a second baby registry?
- What do you already have vs what do you need?
- Where do you make your second baby registry?

So grab a cup of tea, put your feet up, and let’s dive into the world of baby gear once again!
Table of Contents
Why do You Need a Second Baby Registry?
You have been around the block already so to speak. You made it through one newborn and now it’s time for round two. After learning from your first time around, I guarantee you will want to do some things differently. You may have realized that some of the things you thought you would love, you or your newborn hated and vice versa. So you will probably have a different wish list this time around versus your first baby registry.
Depending on how far apart your children are you may need a second crib, car seat, or high chair. If they are really far apart maybe you got rid of everything all together. So whether you are starting over again or doubling up a registry for your second baby a second baby registry is just what you need to be prepared.
Your friends and family will want to buy you something to celebrate your new addition. So having a registry makes it easy for them to understand what your particular family needs are so you don’t just end up with a bunch of clutter.
What Registry Items do you need for a Second Baby?
Its good to consider a few things before you start:
- How close in age will your children be? Do you need more than one crib, car seat, highchair, and pack and play?
- What is expired, outdated or recalled for safety?
- Is your second baby a different gender? Do you need or want more gender specific items?
- What did you actually use all the time with your first? What did you use only once or twice?
- Will your baby be born in a different season?
- What did you get rid of or donate that you now need to replace?
- Can you repurpose any of your old items?
- What can you purchase second hand?
- Can you borrow any items from friends or family?
What will Newborn life look like this time Around?
Take the time to consider your home. Things will be different this time around because you have another child. You will not have the ability to give all your time and attention to your newborn. So what you need this time might be a little different. Do you have a young toddler that likes to be on the go? Are they sharing a room or will you need to supply furniture for a new nursery? Everyone’s situation is a little different so take the time to consider what your particular needs will be.
What do I Already Have?
As you are considering all these things you will need to really assess what you already have and what you really need. Go through your old boxes of clothes, baby toys, and baby gear and determine what isn’t worth saving anymore, what you will use, and what you need to buy. This will set you up for the perfect second baby registry.

What do I Need to Buy New?
Even if you kept everything from your last baby there are some things you should really replace for safety purposes.
Pacifier, Bottle Nipples & Teethers
These items get a lot of wear and tear. The CDC recommends you replace them in-between each child as bottle nipples and pacifiers break down over time. Most manufacturers recommend replacing pacifiers every few weeks even when sanitized regularly and bottle nipples every 6 weeks to 3 months. Teethers should be replaced for the same reasons.
Medication & Personal Care Products
Make sure you check all your infant Tylenol, gas drops, and other baby care products to ensure none are expired. These are items any new baby will need and you don’t want to realize they are expired when you need them. This includes diaper rash cream and other topical lotions or soaps you may put on your baby.
Car Seat
Even if you have not had an accident or any physical damage to your car seat you need to check the date on the label to see if the car seat is expired. They are typically good for 6 years so plan accordingly. Also check to ensure there have not been any recalls for your particular car seat model.
Crib Mattress
Depending on your mattress or bassinet’s wear and tear it may be best to replace that old mattress. Experts recommend that you replace your mattress as it can increase your child’s risk for SIDS.
Breast Pump or Parts
Most insurance companies will allow you to get a new breast pump with each pregnancy. The only exception is if your pregnancies are close together. If your children are too close together they may not offer a new pump. Reach out to your insurance company about replacing the parts if they do not allow you to get a new pump altogether. Pump parts should at least be changed in between each child if you are unable to replace the whole pump.
Bottle Cleaning Brush
Just like you need to replace your sponge regularly in your kitchen. You will want to replace this as needed. Most likely if you are onto baby number two it’s time for a new brush.
What Can I Reuse?
It’s nice to safe money where you can when it comes to the second baby. At this point you already know how much a child can cost. So accepting hand me downs or reusing an older child’s item could be just the thing to safe you some extra cash. Make sure with any item you try to use or buy second hand that it is in good working condition and is safe for baby’s use. Check out the Consumer Product Safety Commission to ensure the product you are considering is not recalled.
Baby Gear
As long as your bassinet, bouncer/swing, stroller, carrier, play yard, pack n play, crib, and other baby gear are in good condition you don’t need to buy these things new. That means no loose or missing part, no rips or tears that alter the function and safety of the product, and still functions as intended. Be sure to clean these products thoroughly after pulling it out of storage or bringing home from another household.
Baby Clothes
Babies in the first year of life often grow out of clothes quite quickly. These are a great item to buy used to safe you some money or use from a previous baby. Avoid any items that are heavily soiled or stained. This can significantly impact your budget.
If toys are broken or missing pieces throw them out. Also consider what is age appropriate and try to keep older siblings toys out of reach when baby is around. Most toys with some cleaning are safe to use for your next child.

What Additional Items do You Need with Two Young Kids ?
If you are going to have two small children close together most likely you will want to have these items on your list:
Double Stroller or Wagon
If you don’t have a stroller that can convert into a double stroller go get yourself a new double stroller or wagon. This is life changing. No one wants to end up carrying their toddler through the museum when they decide they are too tired to go on. I love my Uppababy Vista V2. I just added the additional seat to my second registry and we were set for baby number two.
You could also consider adding a stroller accessory like a riding board. The mockingbird stroller is a great option if you want a quality stroller on a budget.
I’ve also met many moms that rave about this double wagon. You will need to purchase the car seat adapter separately for newborns.
Sound Machine
Getting as much sleep as possible is an absolute essential. My children both really benefited from a sound machine to help them to get better sleep as a baby. They aren’t dependent on them, but I still use them regularly. These are my two favorite sound machines. The Hatch and Homemedics.
Second Monitor
If your baby monitor didn’t come with an extra camera I would recommend purchasing an extra camera or monitor so you can see both children at night. I love the Hello Baby brand on amazon. It is affordable and great quality. you can also purchase an extra camera without buying a whole new monitor set.
I would recommend NOT using a monitor that uses WIFI as they can easily be hacked. You don’t want someone else to have access to your baby. I have not personally experienced this, but have heard several horror stories from other moms.
Car Mirror
It is recommended to keep your child rear facing as long as possible (all I had to do was watch a few crash test dummies to be convinced to keep my child rear facing). Don’t let having another baby pressure you into turning your child forward facing too soon. A second mirror will help you keep tabs on both kids while driving.
When adding items to your registry consider non toxic products for mom and baby
Where do you Make a Second Baby Registry?
There is a bit of thought that goes into choosing a place for your baby registry. The right choice for you will depend on your particular circumstances and needs. There are two places I personally recommend.
Amazon is a popular choice when it comes to baby registries for many reasons.
- 10-15% discount on remaining items not purchased on your registry for 60 days prior to arrival date and 60 days after arrival date. Maximum discount of $300.
- A separate Diaper Fund that friends & family can donate up to $550 towards.
- 365 days to return a purchase through your registry.
- Group gifting for big/expensive items.
- Gifts can be sent directly to your home.
- You can put gift cards on your list.
- Thank you List so you know who to send thank you cards to.
- Free Welcome Box valued at $35.
- Prime 2 day shipping
- Prime Membership is needed to get most benefits.
- No option to add services like a doula, cleaning services, etc.
- You can only add items from Amazon to your registry.
- Product prices change frequently and some products go out of stock.
- You have to join Amazon prime, complete 60% of your checklist and someone purchase $10 from your registry before you get the free welcome box.
- Can only see most products online.
Babylist is also a great option, and what I personally chose for my baby registry.
- Universal registry you can add items from any store.
- Experience list option so friends and family can donate money towards a doula, house cleaning, meals, etc.
- 270 day return policy or store policy.
- 15% off remaining items not purchased from your list.
- Free shipping over $45 for babylist items.
- Can link other registry items from other sites (amazon, buy buy baby, etc) so all items are in one place.
- Welcome box you only pay for shipping.
- Group gifting available
- Shows you multiple prices from different stores to get the best price.
- Since you are buying from multiple stores shipping costs can add up.
- Your guest have to mark an item as reserved once they complete their purchase so others will know the item was purchased.
- To get the welcome box you must add 3 items from babylist and 3 items from another site. A purchase of $10 must be made from your list and you must pay the shipping cost.
Final Thoughts
Building your second baby registry can be a fun and exciting process, as you already have experience with what works and what doesn’t. This time around, you can focus on items that will make your life easier with a new baby, while also considering the needs of your older child. Remember to take the time to research and choose products that will be both functional and durable, and don’t be afraid to ask for recommendations from other parents. By creating a thoughtful and personalized registry for your family’s particular needs, you can prepare for the arrival of your new bundle of joy with confidence and peace of mind.

Jess is a registered nurse with over 6+ years of critical care experience for patients young and old and is the mother of two small children. After having her own children she felt inspired to provide mothers with real actionable guidance and education to make informed decisions throughout their pregnancy and postpartum experience.
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